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Frequently Asked Questions

What is the age range required for membership?

Our members are primarily between the ages of 18-40, but membership is open to all “young thinking” and “young-at-heart” professionals.

How do I become a member?

It's easy! Just visit Become a Member, create an account, and choose yourr membership dues. Military or Undergrad student? Make sure you send over your proof of status to to get the coupon code before you join! 

When does PYP meet?

All. The. Time. Seriously! We have events almost every week that focus on various areas of our mission: Connect, Develop, and Impact. We don't have general membership meetings, but we have plenty of opportunities for you to meet other YPs, connect to our community, and further yourself professionally and personally.

I have an idea for an event or program / You should do...

We LOVE suggestions and feedback so much that we've created avenues to receive your feedback every month! Please join us at a committee workshop meeting (check the events page!) or reach out to any of our leaders to share your thoughts and ideas.

Join other young professionals creating a difference in our community